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Location: Southeastern, Michigan, United States

My wife and I were married in January of 2004. I graduated from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in 2010. I am originally from SW Chicagoland and my wife grew up in the suburbs of Kansas City. We met at Northland Baptist Bible College while pursuing Bachelor degrees. We currently reside in Southeastern Michigan.

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"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature -€” have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

Romans 1:18-20


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Interlude: A Little Help Please!

I apologize for my lack of diligence: my semester has unloaded on me in a most ill way. I hope to finish up some things regarding Col 1 next week, but I thought a pleading post would help me draw upon the combined knowledge of my readers.

This semester, I am writing a paper on lapsarianism. I fully intend to blog those findings, but I was hoping to get some insight from those who read this blog as to helpful sources and authors.

If there are any sources or authors or insights that you are willing to offer, I would be most appreciative. With that being said, I eagerly await some help!

Comments on "Interlude: A Little Help Please!"


Blogger CWatson said ... (Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:09:00 AM) : 

I'm an exegete/biblical theologian. I don't prefer to discuss this topic. I feel that if you take any position you are taking a position upon which Scripture is silent.


Blogger petros said ... (Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:12:00 AM) : 

Chris, you don't think that it is worth exploring/discussing? Given, it is somewhat a mute point that all of these things were in the mind of God, but don't you think its worth a gander?


Blogger CWatson said ... (Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:14:00 AM) : 

Ok. If you want my perspective: God is outside of time, therefore, there is no necessary priority or order that we can understand within His mind concerning His decrees. I've heard the arguments for the positions, but I can't prove it from Scripture, and my theology would just get in the way of the conversation. That, and you would probably find out just how reformed I'm not.


Blogger T. Baylor said ... (Thursday, October 12, 2006 6:25:00 PM) : 


You might want to take a look at John Feinberg's No One Like Him. He has quite an extensive section on the nature of the decree (pp. 531-536). Feinberg has worked pretty extensively with determinism/compatiblism and you might want to take a look.


Blogger petros said ... (Friday, October 13, 2006 2:28:00 PM) : 

Tim, I actualy own that book! (I get excited when I don't have to spend more $.) I will definately check outh those pages.

ryan, thanks for the heads up on Dunham's paper: I actually consulted his bibliography on a different paper he wrote. He is a really good writer.

Thanks guys! If you can think of any more I would really appreciate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:12:00 PM) : 

Whether God is outside of time is tangential to the discussion.(By the way, where does your concept of "outside of time" come from, Chris? Is that exegete/biblical theogian terminology?)

The issue is how God's plan is internally organized with respect logical (not necessarily chronological) ordering. If you allow that God has a plan and that he executes providence according to a purpose, then you must agree that there is some sort of order in the way that he does things. Did he ordain sin so that he could save the elect from it? Or did he ordain salvation to save the elect from their sin?

I would be surprised if you really thought that the Bible does not address that issue in a meaningful way, even if we have to make some inferences along the way about what the apostles and prophets thought.

"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst." 1 Timothy 1:15


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:55:00 AM) : 


I would be interested to see how your paper turned out...aka where you landed. would you mind e-mailing it to me?


Hope your semester finished well.


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